Shogunfit training

Personal training

One-On-One PT Sessions

I specialize in transformative high-intensity strength & athletic training. I’m very driven to see results in clients I work with; therefore, I only work with those who have committed to working hard to make real changes in their fitness and wellness.

 I chose the name Shogun with purpose: it’s a Japanese term for a ‘military leader’. My approach to fitness is dedicated and serious, and I expect my trainees to follow suit.

Under normal circumstances, no one should NEED a personal trainer after six months to a year. With this approach, I educate my clients and give them all the necessary tools they need for long-term success in taking care of their health and fitness.

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Warrior transformation

Completely transform your body & mindset.

This intense 9-week training program will give you everything you need to know about nutrition, fitness, mindset and wellness. You will be my top priority client and my personalized guidance will transform you and provide you with life-altering coaching, tools and information:

Custom daily lifting

Custom cardio sessions

Weekly education sessions


Strength training


Progress Tracking

MyZone heart and activity monitor

30-Day Program included (both kickboxing and non-kickboxing versions)

Over 32 one-on-one PT sessions with me

After this program, you will be confident in knowing how to take care of your wellness: how to eat, how to work out and how to prioritize health.
This intense program requires a lot of time and dedication on my end, so I’m able to take on a very limited amount of clients in a year.

(maximum 2 clients at a time)

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Virtual consultations

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